Event graphics create an immersive branding experience.

Where and How to Use Event Graphics

The secret to a successful event is to turn a gathering into an unforgettable experience. With their versatility and high visual impact, event graphics help you do just that. Keep reading to learn more about these visual solutions and discover where and how to use event graphics. What Are Event Graphics? Event graphics are printed…

Sports graphics are entertaining and dramatic, like sports themselves.

How Sports Graphics Inspire Fans

From uniforms and vinyl banners to signs in the bleachers, sports and visual communication go hand in hand. At the core of this relationship, there are three key characteristics shared by sports and large-format graphics. Come with us as we take a closer look at the sports industry and discover why and how sports graphics…

A corporate wall mural reminds your team and clients about your values.

10 Corporate Wall Mural Ideas

Every company reaches the point where they have to think big about their branding. And when that moment comes, a corporate wall mural is an option that packs the visual punch a brand needs to stand out. Here are 10 corporate wall mural ideas to update your spaces and super-charge your branding statements. What Is…

Healthcare signage promotes services but it also has many practical applications.

Custom Indoor and Outdoor Healthcare Signage: Everything You Need to Know

From conveying warnings and restrictions to bolstering brand recognition, custom indoor and outdoor healthcare signage plays a key role in the communication strategy of organizations like hospitals, clinics, and medical offices, among others. Here’s everything you need to know about signage for the healthcare industry, one of the most complex and interesting areas of application…

Building wraps are a spectacular way to promote your brand.

Building Wraps Advertising Guide

When you need to go big with your branding strategy, there’s nothing like building wraps. They are eye-catching, memorable, and give your brand an outsized appeal that’s simply impossible to ignore. This building wraps advertising guide will show you everything you need to know about these amazing graphics, from the benefits they offer to how…