CR+A Custom’s President Carmen Rad Joins the Workforce Development Board

On behalf of the entire CR+A Custom team, we want to congratulate Carmen, who has just become a part of the City of Los Angeles Workforce Development Board, as a member of WDB and Youth Council, which plays an important role within the LA community. This represents a huge honor, and a memorable achievement, too, as board members are appointed by the city’s Mayor, who takes into account member’s education, economic development, and organized labor fields.

Amongst its many tasks, the Workforce Development Board is in charge of overseeing the proper annual expenditure of more than $50 million from public funds through WIOA, or Workforce and Innovation Opportunity Act. The WDB also helps those looking for a job to find employment opportunities, training, education, and support services.

In order to provide quality and accessibility of services for specific vulnerable populations, the WIOA divides its duties into three different categories, including Youth Services, Adult Services, and Employer and Business Services.

Youth Services

The WIOA’s Youth Services division is in charge of preparing vulnerable youth job seekers for employment, offering them free tutoring, internships, job shadowing, work experience, mentoring, and counseling. They have local centers, called YouthSource Centers, where young job seekers can have access to these services.

Adult Services

The WIOA also helps adult job seekers find the best employment opportunities available by acquiring the skills and credentials necessary for in-demand jobs. They also help job seekers with disabilities have access to high-quality employment opportunities. This program is run at their WorkSource Centers, also known as America’s Job Centers.

Some of the services the WIOA offers for adult job seekers include incumbent worker training, registered apprenticeships, transitional jobs, on-the-job training, and customized training programs. They also offer core and intensive service training, physical and programmatic accessibility to employment, and other career services.

Employer and Business Services

In addition, the WIOA helps employers improve their services by promoting work-based training opportunities, helping companies find job seekers with the skillsets they are looking for. This program is also run at their WorkSource Centers or America’s Job Centers.

This program offers high-quality services to employers, with some of the main features being promoting the use of industry and sector partnerships, organizing activities that help meet workforce needs, using funds to apply effective workforce strategies, as well as developing apprenticeship, transitional job, and customized training programs.

We want to congratulate CR+A Custom’s President, Carmen Rad, for her new position at the Workforce Development Board, as a Member of WDB and Youth Council. We are sure this will bring a new world of opportunities and success not only for the WDB but for the LA community as well.

By CR&A Custom Inc January 31, 2020

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