4 Reasons Why Design Is Your Best Business Partner

We live in a visual world, and with social media and digital communication on the rise, the importance of design and graphic communication will only grow in the years to come.

Therefore, design should be a key component of your business strategy. Make sure you work with a team of professionals who can offer you the expertise and quality you deserve. At CR+A we would be delighted to help you craft the best strategy to get the most of your visual communication efforts.

Design sells, but also tells a story and for that same reason it’s one of the best vehicles to convey the values and the strength underlying your business ideas.

Design Tells a Story (Which Is Profitable)

By now it’s common wisdom that in order to sell and connect with your clients, you must offer them a story. A story is the most primitive way of communication, but also the most effective. Design can tell the story of your company and convey its values and its vision almost instantly.

A story makes us feel involved, and whether we talk about a logo or a banner, it’s easier to remember the things that make us feel involved emotionally.

Conveys Professionalism

Your company can be incredibly efficient, but in order to be successful it must also look incredibly efficient. Good design tells your potential customers that you care about quality and that you take your company seriously. Visual ideas that are conveyed in a clear, crisp manner help build trust with your clients. It also lets them know that you have good taste, which can’t be bad.

Has a Measurable Impact on a Business

Research shows that design has a positive impact in the performance of a company. In a 2005 study, the portfolios of 63 companies were followed during a decade, revealing that the enterprises that emphasized good design performed way better than the rest. In fact, according to some estimates, every 100$ a company invests in design increases turnover by $225.

Sets Your Brand Apart

Good design can help you exploit, to your advantage, the bias we all have toward beautiful, original things. Unique ideas are memorable, so using design is a good strategy if you want people to remember your brand, recognize it, and become loyal to it.

Marketing is all about differentiation, and what can be more useful than visual communication to differentiate a product? We believe our eyes, and if they show us that a product is different (more elegant, more exclusive or more affordable than the others) we tend to believe them.

By CR&A Custom Inc February 27, 2020

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